Dads and Daughters stuff and update

Yesterday I posted about my new adventure…

Trolling my daughters’ future… Ahh, fun times!My Daughters at Alabama vs Texas A&M football game

Today I started looking into how to communicate better with my daughters.  More, better, etc was the plan.

Best laid plans of mice and dads…

I said I planned to research communicating better, but what I immediately realized when I opened Google is that I first want to clarify WHAT I want them to know.

Ok, Google that.  “Stuff Dads should teach their daughters” or “Things I wish my Dad had told me growing up.”

Wow.  Lots of dads with the same idea and some pretty good looking hits.

Started looking over some and here are a couple I thought were pretty good.  Not exactly what I was thinking so I need to keep looking and start working on my own soon.  Time is ticking away…

15 things all dads of daughters should know

I’m happy to report I’m doing a few of these. Sad to say, not nearly enough. My daughters are older than his, but great tips all around.  And yes, Justin(if you happen to ever read this), things are different with teenagers, but even better!

Life to her years – 50 rules

Don’t let the “50” keep you from visiting the site… They are very short and filled with pictures. Very good stuff.

Amazon had a couple of books that looked interesting as well…

On with the quest… going to keep researching another day or two, but then putting my own thoughts down.

If you have any resources or advice please comment or contact me!



  1. […] Researching a bit more today on the topics I want to cover with my daughters… […]