Fathers, Daughters, and discussion topics

Researching a bit more today on the topics I want to cover with my daughters

I ran across some very interesting books, websites, and reference information.

Almost overwhelming, but it was also reassuring.

It turns out that lots of dads are going through the same thing I am – perhaps at different ages or with different circumstances, but they all want [Read more…]

You know… my Thingamahoochie… uhhh

No matter how you read the title to this post, let me assure you… it is NOT about my Thingamahoochie.

It is about a guy at work and his Thingamahoochie not working. I have a picture to prove it!

Ok, ok, enough fake inuendo.  This is just one of those fun geek observations that probably only humors me, but this is my blog and I get to post what I want.

If you are around IT for very long you run across some strange people, some strange code, and occasionally, some strangely named code (and people.)

Today, a guy who works with me walked by several times while I was having a conversation with someone else and I couldn’t tell if he needed to talk to me and even more intriguing, I couldn’t tell if he was smiling or boiling.

I’m taking some journalistic license with the following, but trust me… this is how it went down in my head…

I finally finished my conversation and he immediately stopped and asked if I’d ever seen the Thingamahoochie on his machine?

Uhhh, no. I’ve seen a Thingamahoochie, but not on your machine and definitely not YOUR Thingamahoochie and most definitely not at work.  Plus this is a professional workplace – you can’t be talking about that here at least not in the hallways :)

“Come here and let me show you my Thingamahoochie.”

Obviously he was just joking around and knew I would find it amusing, but this is one of those times it was just too good to not remember and share so I thought I’d show you his Thingamahoochie right here – I circled it in red in case it was too small to see easily:



Yes, it is just a computer registry setting, but you have to admit it is a weird name and it makes you think… “What were they thinking?”

I hope it made you smile at least once.  Have a great day!

Dads and Daughters stuff and update

Yesterday I posted about my new adventure…

Trolling my daughters’ future… Ahh, fun times!My Daughters at Alabama vs Texas A&M football game

Today I started looking into how to communicate better with my daughters.  More, better, etc was the plan.

Best laid plans of mice and dads…

I said I planned to research communicating better, but what I immediately realized when I opened Google is that I first want to clarify WHAT I want them to know.

Ok, Google that.  “Stuff Dads should teach their daughters” or “Things I wish my Dad had told me growing up.”

Wow.  Lots of dads with the [Read more…]

Where does the time go? Life Goal Troll :)

I was sitting in a meeting and my mind wandered… always fun, always an adventure…

Generally, I start thinking about pretty consistent things:

  • My daughter’s sports or school
  • Where I have to be and who I have to chauffeur today
  • What I want to eat (often)
  • What I need to do to fix my diet, workouts, etc
  • Software or technology – sue me, I’m a geek.

Today was different though.  I could only think about one thing – [Read more…]